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Spouse And Common Law Partner

Spousal Sponsorship: Husband, Wife, Common-law Partner

Spousal sponsorship is a process by which Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor their spouse or common-law partner to become a permanent resident of Canada. This process is available for both husbands and wives as well as for same-sex partners. There are two types of applications for spousal sponsorship: Outland sponsorship and Inland sponsorship.

Outland Sponsorship: This type of sponsorship is for those who are living outside of Canada. The sponsored person must apply for permanent residency from outside of Canada.

Inland Sponsorship: This type of sponsorship is for those who are currently living in Canada. The sponsored person must already have legal status in Canada, for example, as a visitor, student, or worker.

Eligibility criteria for sponsorship: To be eligible to sponsor your spouse or common-law partner, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, be 18 years of age or older, and meet certain financial requirements. You will also be required to provide evidence of your relationship with your spouse or common-law partner.

Eligibility criteria for the sponsored person: The sponsored person must be your spouse or common-law partner and must not have a criminal record or be a security risk to Canada. They must also undergo a medical examination and provide police certificates to prove they have no criminal record.

Requirements before and after sponsorship: Before the sponsorship process, you will be required to provide evidence of your relationship with your spouse or common-law partner and meet certain financial requirements. After the sponsorship, the sponsored person will become a permanent resident of Canada and have the same rights and obligations as any other permanent resident.

Need Help with your Spousal Sponsorship Application?  If you are looking to sponsor your spouse or common-law partner, we are here to help. Fill out the form below to book a free consultation with one of our experienced immigration consultants. Our team will guide you through the process and ensure a successful outcome for your application.

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